About Me

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Marilyn Duncan Wiltshire; CWS(Certified Wedding Specialist), BA, dip Ed, is the owner and principal consultant of Triniweddings. She previously owned and managed P&S Rentals, a Party Rentals company which she sold at the end of 2013 to dedicate her time solely to weddings. She is an accomplished Special Events Planner and a member of Weddings Beautiful Worldwide, the International Special Events Society and the Association of Bridal Consultants. She has been responsible for the coordination and production of many successful local weddings and is associated with many of the country’s more prominent service providers.She also plans a great many “destination” weddings here in Trinidad and Tobago for brides who reside abroad. In addition to planning fabulous weddings she is a part time lecturer at the Lok Jack School of Business in the Event Management Program which is done in conjunction with the George Washington University in the United States. Marilyn recently acquired the license from Weddings Beautiful Worldwide to teach and confer the CWS and AWP designations to students throughout the Caribbean region.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


With all the planning that must happen, and all the aspects of a wedding to consider, taking pains to keep the process flowing and your planning more joyful, experts advise brides to consider the following:

* Make realistic plans at the start.
While you may dream of a celebrity style wedding, be real. "design a day that allows you to reach your goal of marriage without undue stress and complications." (Wedding Planner Jacqueline Smith)
This is accomplished by looking at who you are as a couple, how much time you have to plan and how much money you will have for this wedding. Advice from a Certified Wedding Planner from TriniWeddings can be a valuable upfront investment.

*Be organized and disciplined.
With plans in place,stay focused on your objective and you will avoid wasting time, energy and resources. pay attention to the details. Frequently it is the little things that get overlooked. Deal with them early and keep them from becoming major problems later on.

*Keep a positive outlook.
Brides who are happy and joyful at the prospect of their wedding day are pleasant to be around. They remember what this is really all about and make this the true focus. All the rest of the activity is to support this. Do not let yourself get sidetracked by meaningless issues. Be thankful for and happy with the help others offer to give you. Remember that you are a part of a couple. Share the joy and include the groom on plans and decisions.

*Make those decisions.
Know that this is a milestone event in your life and it requires a myriad of decisions to be made on a wide range of issues. Trust your instincts on many of those decisions, confer when necessary, seek advice on the most difficult, decide and move on to the next item on the list.

*Be flexible.
Remember Murphy? Uninvited, Murphy and his "law" usually attend most weddings. Just be prepared to make changes when needed. Do not let problems throw you over the edge. Know that even the best plans have ways of becoming unglued, so be prepared to deal with them as creative challenges. Let yourself be flexible enough to adjust when faced with the obvious. This is much easier to do when you have a plan "B" tucked away "just in case".

For help with your plans, contact TriniWeddings and talk over your wedding ideas and dreams with us. We are here to  help you create the memorable wedding of your dreams.

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