To feel confident and self-assured, your brides will want to make sure they are holding and carrying the bouquet appropriately. Not every bouquet is carried the same way. Typically, the type of bouquet and features of the gown will determine the way the bouquet should be carried.
The most popular round, heart, cascade, and crescent bouquets are normally held and carried in front. These types of bouquets should be low enough to reveal the details on the neckline and bodice of the gown and are held with both hands as if arms are resting on the hips. The tendency to bring the bouquet up to the waist is natural; however it hides the details of the gown.
Small, lightweight and delicate bouquets, such as nosegays, clutch bouquets or single blossoms, can be carried to the side with one hand and are generally held at the same level as a bouquet held in front. If the nosegay is mounted in an elaborate or family heirloom tussy mussy (a small, Victorian style, metal or glass, cone-shaped holder), proudly display it by holding and carrying the bouquet in the front instead of the side. If a tussy mussy holder is chosen for the, there is generally only enough room to hold it securely with one hand. For proper positioning, carry the tussy mussy upwards in the hand with the forearm bent slightly so it is horizontal (parallel to the floor) while the elbow rests comfortably on the hip.
Floral pomanders (bloom-covered balls or cones suspended from a ribbon) can be carried to the side in the same manner as a nosegay or in front in the same manner as a round bouquet. Typically, adult attendants carry pomanders to the side with one hand while children carry them in the front with both hands. Arm bouquets which are long floral stems should rest naturally and comfortably across the inner bend of the elbow so that the bouquet is cradled in the arms with the blossom end of the flowers facing away from the body. This holding and carrying technique is not only comfortable, but it also allows guests on one side to see the open blossoms as you walk down the aisle and guests on the other side to see the open blossoms as you walk back up the aisle. Specialty bouquets such as fans, baskets, and prayer books should be carried according to their size and proportion. Smaller specialty bouquets can be carried
to either your front or side, while larger baskets should be carried down and to the side.
Whatever style is chosen, it's always best to hold and carry the bouquet in the most appropriate and natural way. You will want your bride to look regal and confident as she walks down the aisle, and this will ensure that all photographs capture her holding the bouquet comfortably without raising it too high and covering portions of the neck, face, or the exquisite details of the gown
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